For worship inside announcement:

  1. Everyone will be required to wear a mask inside the building. Please bring your own mask or wear a mask provided for you at the doorway. 
  2. Please enter through the double glass doors and exit through the single glass door by the office. 
  3. Chairs will be placed in the sanctuary to honor physical distancing. You can sit next to each other if you live in the same household. 
  4. We will not be singing, passing the peace, or passing the offering plate. 
  5. Worship will last around 45 minutes. This will give us time to clean the sanctuary together and have little interaction with passing other groups using the building. 
  6. We will not have coffee or food for fellowship. And we are asking for you not to linger in the building. You are encouraged to linger and talk outside of the building. 
  7. If you do not feel well, please do not come to worship. We want everyone to continue to be well during this period. 
  8. If available, we will take everyone’s temperature before entering worship. 
  9. Also, a written attendance will be taken. 

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Love to you all, 

Pastor Devon