“Serving Communion weekly at our Sacred Space meditation service.”

We are pleased to offer two different worshiping opportunities at Wintergarden Presbyterian during the year on Sunday mornings. As you consider joining us for worship in person, please wear a mask and sit 6-feet apart from your neighbor.

If this will be your first time worshiping with us, we’re very excited to meet you and have you with us!

Please head over to the New Here page to learn more about Sunday mornings at Wintergarden Presbyterian Church.

Our Sunday morning schedule:

Join us for our Sacred Space Meditation Service, Fellowship, and Relaxed Traditional Worship Service on Sunday mornings. Sacred Space will begin at 8:30am in the garden by the fountain. Then you are invited to join us for a time of fellowship and light breakfast at 9:30am. After this time of fellowship, join us for our relaxed traditional worship service will start in person and go on-line 10:00am. Know you are welcomed and we pray you will join us.

Please note that there is guest parking available right in front of the church if you’re new to Wintergarden Presbyterian Church. Other parking is available on the side of the building and on the side of the building.

For directions on how to get here, please click below: