Dearest Wintergarden Faith Community, 

As we continue to pray for one another, our community, our country, and our world, let us do so with love and hope. Our weekly email of prayers is a way for us to share the prayers shared in worship, through the food pantry, and our various other ministries with a larger group. Due to privacy needs we will only include the first names of people and not last names. We also know this list will not be perfect and in need of constant updating. We will review this every week and be mindful of how we are being asked to pray for one another, our community, our country, and our world. 

Pastor Devon 

Prayers of Joy

  • Prayers of thanksgiving for Cheryl’s spine doctor, Dr. James. 
  • Cheryl expressed for having a place to go for Thanksgiving. 
  • She also is grateful for to be able to hear, thanks to new hearing aids. 
  • And she also asks for prayer for Pastor’s return. (Her birthday was last week.) 
  • We join in the celebration of a fun-filled panty day last week. They had Halloween inspired, fun-filled serving our neighbors. 


  • We were notified that Barbara fell and broke her hip on Saturday night. She’s had surgery and will be released in a few more days. We will be seeking ways we can bless her and Fred during this time. In the meantime, pray for healing and patience as she rehabs and recovers. 
  • Julie’s high school friend, Amanda, had a baby, Ally Jean, last week. Ally Jean needed heart surgery, but was too weak. Sadly she passed at only a few days old. Prayers for all who loved Ally Jean and for the loss of the life they dreamed for her. 
  • Prayers also for Colleen’s surgery today. 
  • Please also pray for Cecilia’s knee, as they continue her orthopedic journey. 
  • Continued healing prayers for Heather’s son, Ben who is very ill. 
  • Pray also for Wendy’s friend, Chloe in Alaska. Chloe is in her late 20s but in the hospital with endocarditis, which is an inflammation of the heart valve. She was in YWAM training (Youth with a Mission) to be a missionary when she was hospitalized. Chloe is one of Wendy’s former youth group kids.
  • Kymmie requests prayer and love for an amazing person to know how amazing she is. 
  • Wendy requests prayer for her cousin, Norm. His prostrate cancer has spread to his bones and is now causing him pain. His surgery was moved from Nov 1, to Nov 15th. And for Wendy who will transporting and caring for him for this surgery. So, please include her ability to help as well. 
  • Cheryl also asked for prayers for Cheri and Steve, Jim and Colleen, and for Joy. 
  • For our food pantry clients and volunteers, especially those that are struggling with health concerns. 
  • Also please continue to pray for Cheryl’s brother and sister. 
  • Pray for all those who can’t be here today. 
  • Pray also for our two upcoming Thanksgiving events. That they are a blessing to all who come. (As a reminder, we’re doing Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving with the community and Thanksgiving with First Presbyterian Church the Sunday before.) 
  • For those facing war and violence, especially Israel, Palestine, Russian and Ukraine. 
  • For people of all faiths all around the world, for world peace, and also for peace in our own lives. 

Traveling Mercies

  • For all those traveling, especially those traveling during the upcoming holidays. That their travel is safe and full of joy. 
On the website for the church, there is a way to submit your prayer requests. If this is something you would be interested in doing, please do so. The prayer requests are emailed to Pastor Devon once they are submitted. 

Here is the link: