Dearest Wintergarden Faith Community,
As we continue to pray for one another, our community, our country, and our world, let us do so with love and hope. Our weekly email of prayers is a way for us to share the prayers shared in worship, through the food pantry, and our various other ministries with a larger group. Due to privacy needs we will only include the first names of people and not last names. We also know this list will not be perfect and in need of constant updating. We will review this every week and be mindful of how we are being asked to pray for one another, our community, our country, and our world.
Pastor Devon
Prayers of Joy
- We’re grateful for all those who came out to help on the work day! We’re also grateful for a long list of “to do’s” and managed to get about 1/2 of them done. And we pray for that list to get smaller and smaller over the next week.
- The Laurence family is grateful for the support through Cecilia’s recovery. Cecilia improve every day! Thank God for that. And Maya added this prayer request: “Cece love “
- Thanksgiving! Wendy’s toddler cousin, Lou, who has Fanconi Anemia. His tests all looked good!
- Please pray for Joy who had a minor stroke and is in hospital.
- Pray for Joyce who had a pace-maker surgery on the 10th. She’s home recovering.
- Pray also for Ahilya who is having more tests done, including a bronchotomy and a biopsy.
- Kymmie asks for continued prayers for her grandpa who is recovering from sepsis and pneumonia. Praying that he’s out of the hospital soon.
- Pray also for continued healing for Janet.
- Please continue to pray for Bud and Donna.
- For Fred.
- For Kathy’s son.
- Pray for all those that loved Sterling, especially his kids. May they find comfort that he is no longer struggling and remember that his light won’t be dimmed.
- Pray also for those impacted by the circumstances of Sterling’s death – and the real and lasting trauma they endured.
- Prayers also for a 92 year old Minnesota friend of Deb and Jeff’s who passes after sustaining bad burns after a fall in his shower.
- Wendy requested prayer for her studies related to the Reformation Project’s Leadership Development program.
- Cheryl requested prayer for Alison’s meeting with Jacaranda place.
- Cheryl also requested prayer for Rick and Kymmie; as well as for Wendy.
- For those in the recent plane crash on I75.
- For the Easter Cantata
- Pray for those who fight addiction and for their mental health.
- For those struggling with financial issues.
- Pray also for Cheryl’s friend Sandy and her neighbors at Jacaranda place, as well as for the case workers and peer counselors there.
- Continued prayers for Cheryl’s brother and sister.
- Also for Cheryl’s friend, Donna, in MA.
- For homeless, hungry, and hurting.
- For our food pantry clients and volunteers.
- For those persecuted for their beliefs.
- For those impacted by violence, hate, and exclusion.
- For all the wars going on… for peace in the Middle East, Sudan, Ukraine… for peace around the world!
- For peace in our own lives and for our world.
Traveling Mercies
- Pray for safe travels for all for 2024!
On the website for the church, there is a way to submit your prayer requests. If this is something you would be interested in doing, please do so. The prayer requests are emailed to Pastor Devon once they are submitted. Here is the link: |