The Space Between Us
 Beginning this week, we will begin to dive deeper into conversations connected with how we navigate politics and faith. The midweek sessions will add on to what we are talking through on Sunday morning. It is our hope that the enrich one another and we learn together how to lesson the space between us. 

We have a little bit more information on our website and a registration form: 

We are offering two different times for people to gather. The first offering is via zoom on Tuesday evenings at 7pm. Our first session is on Tuesday, May 4. The second offering is on Wednesday mornings at 10am via zoom or in person. This first session will be on Wednesday, May 5. 

The books have also arrived! If you would like a “hard” copy, they are available. We purchased books for anyone who would want them, even if you cannot participate in the class with us. 

Click HERE for the zoom link for either time
Meeting ID: 837 6489 7732
Passcode: 18305

OR go to 
Enter Meeting ID: 837 6489 7732
And when asked, enter Passcode: 18305